Sneaky Green Smoothies

sneaky green smoothies

We can't all eat spinach from the can like Popeye but we can all benefit from the nutrients that super foods like spinach provide to keep us strong and healthy. Spinach and other leafy greens are dense with vitamins and minerals that can help everything from our skin to our bones.

Since it can be difficult to make ourselves - or our kids - drink things that look like vegetables, here are three recipes with greens that aren't-so-green.

Sneaky Green Smoothies

Skinny Peach Berry Smoothie


1 cup unsweetened almond milk
½ banana
½ cup fresh spinach
½ cup fresh kale, trimmed
1 medium fresh peach, halved and pitted
1 cup frozen mixed berries
1½ cups ice cubes
1 tsp stevia (or sweetener of your choice)

Click here for instructions and nutrition information »  

Sneaky Green Smoothies

Berry Banana Green Smoothie


¾ cup water
1 banana
1½ cups spinach
1 cup frozen blueberries

Click here for instructions and nutrition information »  

Sneaky Green Smoothies

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Smoothie


8 fl oz unsweetened almond milk (or milk of choice)
2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
½ cup fresh spinach
1 tsp chia seeds
1 tbsp honey (or sweetener of choice, to taste)
6 whole strawberries
1 cup ice cubes

Click here for instructions and nutrition information »  

BONUS: Check out our Joyous Almond Smoothie Bowl which also has greens in it!

Blendtec's Joyous Almond Smoothie Bowl Recipe


  • Otto Rohner

    I like to cook vegetables and then chill them in the frig or freezer. Then I blend them with a little ice and water. I only add enough ice to chill. They are like vegetable juices with the pulp. The fact that my blendtec is 100 times easier to clean up then any juicer I have ever used is worth mentioning. My favorite juices are Brussels sprouts, carrot, and butternut squash. Again, that is only 1 cooked vegetable plus H20. In addition, please note that I feel better after consuming my juice/smoothie.

  • Sheela

    I’m allergic to both bananas and tree nuts. Can you post more recipes that don’t use either of these? Thanks!

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