Healthy Start Smoothie Recipe

healthy start smoothie recipe
Get a jumpstart on your New Year's Resolutions with this satisfying, healthy smoothie.


  • Choose wisely

    Who needs agave or sweetener with banana, mango and pineapple? Do add the kale..

  • Jackyshieran

    I modify this green juce using
    Cactus (nopal)
    Kale or spinach
    Chia seeds
    Aloe Vera
    Cube iced and some water.

  • Dale

    I start my day with: Almonds, Chia, Ginger, Greens +, Probiotic powder, Greek yoghurt, BCAAs, Udo’s Choice oil, Banana, Kale, and frozen berry medley. Delicious and multiple protein and fats profiles

  • Glenda Thomas

    I have problem with the high level
    Of carbs. Use berries instead and delete agave and fruit.

  • jan

    I agree with your comments, especially about the diabetic. Info. And the warning about agave. The dates lend enough sweet for me, but some would not agree. I like the green Apple and 6 green grapes.Almond milk I like spinach. I can’t always.find kale. Half banana works for me. Sylvia or a packet of splenda, happy camper!

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