Coconut Milk Recipe

coconut milk recipe
Nothing can compare with the subtleties of fresh coconut milk.


Total time:  30 M 

Servings:  4

Calories:  80


  • 1 mature coconut drained, cracked and meat removed
  • 4 cups water

Nutritional Information

  • Serving Size: 8 fl. oz.
  • Fat: 5g
  • Saturated Fat: 5g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg
  • Sodium: 15mg
  • Carbohydrates: 7g
  • Fiber: 1g
  • Sugar: 6g
  • Protein: 1g


  1. First, drain coconut water from coconut by finding soft eye and pushing small knife into soft eye.
  2. Drain coconut water from soft eye into bowl, and set aside for future use in smoothies or when blending coconut meat.
  3. Next, secure coconut with one hand. With other hand, carefully hit coconut using hammer or blunt edge of knife along natural fault line between two ends of coconut. Continue hitting and turning coconut along its fault line until it cracks open.
  4. To remove meat, use a hand-held coconut grater, a seated grater, or a countertop grater. Or, soak coconut halves in water for 5–10 minutes and wedge knife between meat and shell to separate them.
  5. Rinse coconut meat pieces with water.
  6. Add 2 cups of water and ½ coconut meat to FourSide or WildSide+ jar. Secure lid and select "Whole Juice."
  7. Strain by pouring contents into mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth.
  8. Allow milk to drain for a few minutes, and then gather ends of cloth and squeeze cloth to extract as much liquid as possible.
  9. Repeat process with other half of coconut meat.

Notes: For thinner coconut milk, add additional water to blender; for thicker coconut milk, use less water or boil after straining. Store in refrigerator, and use within 2 days. Without an emulsifier and thickener, such as guar gum, the milk will separate after sitting and will need to be reblended.

Nutritional information will vary depending on amount of water added. Most commercial varieties contain 110 calories and 12 g. fat per ¼-cup serving.


Rather than cracking fresh coconut, you can buy unsweetened, shredded coconut chips. Soak 1½ cups chips in 3 cups water. Transfer soaking water and coconut to FourSide or WildSide+ jar. Secure lid and select "Whole Juice." To strain, pour contents into mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth.


  • Olga

    How long does it take and how many cycles to blend whole big coconut pieces of mature fresh meat?and does it get hot by then?my friend said she shredded hers first but she said to make nut butter took like 7 cycles and it was hot after.

  • Diane Trudeau

    I just can’t cut up a coconut

  • Maraleta Swenson

    An easier way to make coconut milk is to use unsweetened coconut flakes (I buy this in bulk at Whole Foods.) Soak the flakes in hot water for about an hour. Pour water and soaked flakes into blender (Whole Juice cycle) As above, strain, then squeeze pulp through a nut bag. When you refrigerate, the coconut fat will rise to the top. Simply run the mixture through the blender again, then drink right away. For 2 quarts of milk, I use 1# of flakes and 2 qts of water. You can adjust to your on liking.

  • Anikó

    Can it shake the flakes? Or pieces remain.

  • Anikó

    Can it shake the flakes? Or pieces remain?

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