Hemp Heart Gomasio Recipe

Hemp Heart Gomasio Recipe-Blendtec

Recipe by Margaret of PaleoGirl99

This traditionally Japanese condiment is delicious sprinkled on vegetables, rice or cauliflower rice, or on top of salads. Once you try it you will find lots of other uses for this simple but delicious and nutritious sprinkle. 

Traditional gomasio is made with sesame seeds, but I make mine with hemp hearts to boost the nutritional punch. Cup for cup, hemp hearts have more than twice the protein and less than a 1/3 the carbs of sesame seeds and are packed with healthy omega fatty acids. Win win win! This simple but delicious condiment can fit in to so many dietary templates...vegetarian, vegan, paleo, primal, low carb, and keto to name a few. Give it a try!

Hemp heart gomasio ingredients



1 comment

  • Lisa Starr

    Im on my cell phone and Im searching for warm soups, but theres not a search button for it

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