National Soup Month

national soup month

I don't know what the weather's like where you live, but here in Orem, Utah, it's freezing! My favorite method of warming up is sipping a nice, hot bowl of soup. Soup has a variety of health benefits.

The healthiest soups are homemade and include fresh, low-fat ingredients, such as vegetables and beans, with a minimum amount of salt. Here are three healthy soup recipes that will surely keep you warm throughout the winter.


Walnut Mushroom Soup Recipe

Walnut Mushroom Soup

Walnuts give this quick-and-delicious vegan soup a creamy texture. Just one ounce of walnuts offers over 2.5 grams of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Toast the walnuts for added depth of flavor.

1 tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 lb fresh mushrooms, cleaned, sliced, and divided
½ tsp dried thyme
1½ c vegetable broth, divided
⅔ c almond or soy milk
½ c walnuts, toasted
¼ tsp kosher salt Dash ground black pepper

Heat oil in pan over medium heat.
Add onions and 4 cups mushrooms to pan, and sauté for 5 minutes or until softened.
Add thyme and 1 cup broth to pan, and bring to boil.
Reduce heat and simmer.
Add remaining ½ cup broth, uncooked mushrooms, almond or soy milk, walnuts, salt, and pepper to FourSide jar and secure lid.
Select "Batters."
Pour walnut mixture into pan.
Allow soup to simmer for a few minutes for the soup to thicken and for the flavors to mingle.
Serve and garnish with croutons.

Note: Try adding ½ teaspoon sherry vinegar to lift the flavor.


Toasted Almond and Broccoli Soup

This soothing vegetable soup includes pureed almonds for a touch of creaminess.

⅔ c almonds
3 c low-sodium vegetable
4 c broccoli florets, steamed
2 zucchini, sliced and steamed
¼ tsp kosher salt
⅛ tsp ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 350°F.
Add almonds to FourSide jar and secure lid.
Press "Speed Up" to Speed 1, and run cycle for 30 seconds.
Spread resulting almond meal on cookie sheet, and bake for 5–8 minutes or until toasted and aromatic.
Set aside 3 tablespoons almonds for garnish.
Add remaining almonds and other ingredients to WildSide+ jar in order listed and secure lid.
Select "Soups."
Serve and garnish with reserved 3 tablespoons of almond meal.


Creamy Curry and Carrot Soup

Mascarpone cheese—an Italian creamy cheese—helps to tone down the fusion of chiles, carrots, and curry. Reduce the amount of curry paste for a milder flavor.

1 tbsp olive oil
2 shallots, roughly chopped
1 clove garlic, quartered
¼ tsp kosher salt
4 medium carrots, roughly chopped
2 c chicken broth
1 tbsp red curry paste
4 tbsp mascarpone cheese, divided
1 tbsp chives, chopped

Heat oil in deep saucepan; add shallots, garlic, and salt, and cook for 3–4 minutes.
Add carrots and cook for 10 minutes.
Add chicken broth, curry paste, and cooked vegetables to FourSide jar or WildSide+ jar and secure lid.
Select "Soups."
Pour blended soup back into deep saucepan, and bring to simmer.
Stir 2 tablespoon mascarpone cheese into soup.
Serve and garnish with remaining mascarpone cheese and chives.


For those of you who aren't somewhere cold, try one of these chilled soups: Avocado Soup and Refreshing Berry Soup.

 Avocado Soup Recipe

If you enjoyed these recipes and looking for someone new, then we would recommend checking out our Sparkling Pineapple Soup recipe. 

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