SuperGreen Baby Smoothie

supergreen baby smoothie

By Jenna Coker-Jones of Jonesin for Life

As a new mama, I am always trying to maximize my little babe’s nutrition. Did you know that you are actually training their palate as you introduce food? I am a green smoothie addict! I have at least one each day. It’s a brilliant way to maximize your greens intake AND the Blendtec whips it up so smoothly and deliciously quick.

Time is a big deal when you have a new baby, and once you introduce foods other than breast milk, prep time increases. I don’t eat processed foods, so why fall into the “it’s easy” trap and throw my babies a jar or pouch of concentrates and preservatives? So, if I have a superfood green smoothie every day, why can’t my little girl? This takes little time to prep. I use organic pre-cut frozen fruit to minimize the prep time even more. You can even freeze in an ice cube tray and reblend later!

SuperGreen Baby Smoothie

½ c frozen fruit (I used strawberries, mango & banana)
3 basil leaves
⅓ c breast milk*, water, or organic cold-pressed juice
2 large kale leaves (stalks removed)
2-3 broccoli florets 1 tsp cinnamon
2-3 ice cubes
1 tsp ground flax, chia seeds and/or hemp seeds (I used all three for the Omega-3’s!) *

*You don’t need this, but they are nutritional powerhouses!

baby smoothie

I just LOVE kale… isn’t it pretty!?

baby smoothie

I used the Twister Jar,–which I am now OBSESSED with–but you can use any of the Blendtec jars for this recipe.

1. Toss all of the ingredients (except for ice) in your Blendtec jar of choice.

baby smoothie

2. Press the “SMOOTHIE” button. Let run one cycle. Then add ice and press the “SMOOTHIE” button for one more cycle.

baby smoothie

3. After cycle, simply pour in sippy cup and you’re all done! (A bottle is tough with this one, because the smoothie is too thick to fit through the nipple) And there you have it! A nutrient-rich Superbaby Supergreen Powerhouse Smoothie!

baby smoothie

And if you don’t use breast milk as your base, you can have a glass of it the smoothie yourself!

*Breast milk is appropriate for any age (though some people may think it odd to give to older children). Breast milk has many health benefits and provides antibodies even to older children or adults, but if breast milk is not available, regular cow’s milk, juice or even water are all great substitutions.
This can be given to a child nearing one year of age who has tried all of the foods in the recipe without adverse effects and may be given to older children or even adults. For younger children, make sure they can swallow thick juices or smoothies without choking.


**Be sure to check with your pediatrician before making any changes to your baby’s diet. Also, try your baby on individual ingredients before you include them in any recipes, so you can identify any potential food allergies.


  Jenna Coker-JonesJenna Coker-Jones, certified holistic health coach, AADP, life maven, #fitmama & truth seeker! She is CEO & creative mastermind of Jonesin for Life! After watching her dad lose his life to Stage 4 cancer at the age of 54, she embarked on a quest to uncover the most effective way to live the life she knew God had intended her to live. And in turn, helping others do the same. Check out for more info.

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